Welcome to the College of Science Student Success Scene, a bi-weekly newsletter featuring activities and opportunities especially relevant for science undergraduates. The Science Student Success team is comprised of Terry Ham, International Student Integration and Retention Specialist, Natasha Harris, Associate Director of Science Diversity, Danielle Sheese, Career Development and Retention Specialist, Laura Starr, Director for Experiential Learning and Student Success, and Connie Kaspar, Associate Director of Science Diversity.
College of Science |
MSP host MLK Jr. Winter Accessory Drive |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service was held on January 17, a holiday of service, a “day on, not a day off.” Multicultural Science Students (MSP) hosted a “Winter Accessory” drive to collect hats, gloves, blankets, socks, etc. to donate to those in need. Students along with faculty and staff, donated over 200 pieces of clothing for adults and children to distribute to the local community. Items that were collected were donated to the Lafayette Urban Ministries, the YWCA Domestic Shelter and Natalie’s Second Chance animal shelter. No matter the choice, service empowers us, strengthens communities, build bridges and destroy barriers. Thank you all who donated. |  |  |  | In addition to drop off sites at the Math Building, Purdue students also held a drive at Grant’s House in Lafayette, IN. on Jan. 17 |
Career Specialist
The CoS Career
Specialist Is Available To Help You
Make an appointment through the Boiler Connect system by choosing the
- Care Unit: Career
/ Preprofessional Advising
- Service: College
of Science Career Specialist
- Reason: Select
from Choices
- Location: CoS
Career Services (Virtual)
- Name: Danielle Sheese
Once an appointment is made a virtual meeting will be set-up. If you have issues scheduling, please call
765-494-1771 and the receptionist will assist you. |
What Services
Does the Career Development Specialist Provide?
- Career
counseling appointments
- Customized
career planning (holistic approach to student marketability at
graduation-how do students set themselves apart from other
- Choosing
a major/career path
- Career
assessment interpretation
- Discover
what students can do with their major
- Discussion
of interviewing strategies/mock interviewing & preparation
- Job/internship
searching-targeted resources
- Presentations
and workshops specifically tailored for College of Science students
- Networking opportunities with College of Science alumni including (Coffee & Conversation events and SCI 490 Course “Dean’s Leadership Forum”)
- And more (including website-https://www.purdue.edu/science/careers)
Career Skills Workshops |
- Plan your 2022 beyond-the-classroom activities now! Explore opportunities in the Career and Professional Development, Service, Citizenship, and Leadership, and Diversity categories. Test yourself in the real world!
- May 2022 graduates: remember that you must have completed the program by the end of January 2022 in order to earn the LBC certificate.
- If you have submitted a report, check and see if you have been asked to supply more information. If you find that you have received “0” points on a report, look at the feedback to see what questions you have been asked to answer. Resubmit your report with the required information so that your LBC points can be updated.
- Do you need financial support to pursue an experiential learning activity? Are you going to a conference? Studying abroad? Doing community service? Apply for an LBC grant. For details on the application process: Click Here
- Not enrolled in Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC)? Enroll today! Click Here
- For more information,Go Here
Attention First Year Students! Are you interested in learning more about WISP? If you are a first year student, consider applying for the spring semester! We currently have a few openings for students in the following majors: Biology, Computer Science, Data Science, and Neurobiology & Physiology, Please contact Connie Kaspar at brophyc@purdue.edu and visit https://www.purdue.edu/science/wisp/index.html for more information.
Deadline to apply is Friday, January 28, 2022 by 5:00 pm.
WISPers gathered in teams last week to reconnect from the
holiday break. They enjoyed sharing stories and playing virtual games,
sipping bubble tea, over dinner at the renovated PMU Marketplace and Qdoba in
Meredith South. We love our WISP family!
Space Exploration was our topic for the January event led by EAPS professors, Dr. Briony Horgan and Dr. Michelle Thompson, and Howard University PhD candidate, Ashley Walker. WISPers learned about current research, technology and space missions. Role models of outstanding women who have led the industry and continue to make Giant Leaps a reality were highlighted. |  |  |  |
Jandos Scholarship Application |
The application process for the Jandos Scholarship is now open through February 1, 2022 click HERE.
To qualify for the Jandos Scholarship, you must be a continuing student in the College of Science; classified as a semester 2 – 6 (number of semesters of attendance at Purdue, not credit count) during the Spring 2022 semester, and have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher. Scholarship recipients must meet the following requirements to receive the Jandos scholarship:
1. Maintain enrollment in the College of Science at the West Lafayette campus for the 2022-23 academic year. 2. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher. 3. Actively participate in both monthly Jandos Scholarship cohort and Women In Science Program (WISP) meetings, while serving as an engaged WISP mentor for the 2022-23 academic year. 4. Champion diversity efforts within the College of Science. The Jandos Scholarship is a one-year scholarship award, which is not renewable. |
Study Abroad Deadline: March 1 |
The deadline for most summer, fall and academic year programs is March 1. There are some programs with earlier deadlines (February 1) so check with the study abroad office so as not to miss out. Planning on going abroad this summer or for the fall semester? Apply for a College of Science Study Abroad scholarship click HERE
Need some help? Free Evening Tutoring is available |
COSINE - Free Tutoring Program |
COSINE (College of Science Instructional Nightly Enrichment) is a FREE tutoring program to help students succeed in first year science courses. COSINE offers evening tutoring right in your own backyard. Our goal is to help you develop problem-solving skills needed to do your homework. Please visit us in Shreve for assistance.
Shreve Hall
Room C113B
University Residences Support Center
When: Monday - Thursday 6:00-9:00pm January 17 - May 6
For optimal tutoring results, bring your text books and class notes. |
WISP Tutoring |
Need some assistance in classes, homework, concepts, formulas, etc? Head on over to WIEP-WISP tutoring Sunday-Thursdays 7-10pm in the University Residences Support Center located in Shreve Hall C123. Bring your books, calculator, homework, class notes, etc. Learn more by clicking HERE! |
Campus Events
Andrea Gerke, Psy.D. and Apoorva Menon, LMFT will be co-leading a CAPS grief group. It will be 6 sessions long and will repeat twice during the Spring 2022 semester. The first session starts on Thursday, January 27th. The second group will start on Thursday, March 17th. The group will be held on Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:30pm. This group is for students who have lost a loved one due to death. The purpose of the group is to help students move through the grief process. Students will learn about the different aspects of grief and have time to process their feelings and experiences with the group.
If interested, please call CAPS at (765) 494-6995 to schedule a group orientation. |
The Purdue Counseling & Guidance Centre (PCGC) will be offering two support groups this Spring, both facilitated by doctoral students in Purdue’s Counseling Psychology program. Both groups will be run virtually from 4:30-6pm on Monday evenings. The Groups being offered are as follows:
- The Students of Color Support Group: This group, which is run by students of color, is open to any undergraduate, graduate, or professional students of color on campus. In this space, students are welcome to talk about any topic from academics, pandemic(s)-related stress to racial and ethnic identity
- The Grief Support Group: This group is open to any undergraduate, graduate, or professional students on campus who are managing grief related to the death of a loved one. In this space, folks are welcome to discuss anything related to their grief process and well being as a result of the loss.
Groups are scheduled to start on February 14th and end on April 11th. To participate, you must be physically present in the state of Indiana due to licensing and supervision restrictions. If you have any questions, please email us at: pcgc@purdue.edu |
Mortar Board Senior Honor Society |
Mortar Board Senior Honor Society has numerous awards available for undergraduate students, student organizations, faculty, and staff. Applications are due in February and March. Applications can be accessed by logging into BoilerLink and visiting Mortar Board's BoilerLink page. Email powers85@purdue.edu with any questions. |
Steps to Leaps Discussion and Dialogue Series
Learning Communities Can Help Students Grow Within All Steps to Leaps Pillars - Student Discussion and Dialogue Learning Communities give you an opportunity to learn within a
community, taking classes and participating in experiences outside of
the classroom with a cohort of students with a similar interest. Faculty
members work with staff members to provide an immersive experience.
When you need help and support your community is there to help you. Come
learn how you can join a Learning Community and why your peers joined
their community and what they've gained from participating.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Click here to RSVP (Not Required)
Click here to access the presentation |
OUR - Office of Undergraduate Research |
The Undergraduate Research Seminar Series |
To register and learn more about the spring 2022 Undergraduate Research Seminar Series Click HERE. |
Spring Undergraduate Research Roundtable |
Undergrad Research Grants Available |
Seeking funds to present your work, attend a conference, or conduct research? Consider the various grants available to undergraduate students:
OUR Grants. Next deadline: 2/1.
*The OUR grant application and award process has been recently updated.*
UGRSP Travel/Professional Development Grants. Due: 2/4.
For More Information Click HERE |
Beyond Campus |
Rush University Virtual Information Sessions